The guys did a great job of running the layout, and it's always very pleasing to see it running the way I've intended it to be run. Thanks guys!
Here are some photos that I took on the evening. I didn't check my camera settings before taking these photos, and the depth of field is not good.
Here's Rod with the northbound passenger Train 6 at Wynnewood:

Train 6 is arriving at Pauls Valley, where southbound freight Train 37 operated by JohnF is being worked by yardmaster JohnC:
Over at Ardmore, yardmaster Brendan is removing cars from the Ardmore local freight, operated by Noel and Dennis (out of shot). Noel is selecting the car-cards he has to hand over to Brendan.

Brendan is using his iPhone to run locos using JMRI and WiThrottle. The system also works with Android smart phones running Engine Driver. If you have a spare wireless router and a smart phone it's a great addition to an existing DCC system (wireless or otherwise).
Here's another photo of action at Ardmore, which turned out to be the only picture that I took with Dennis in it. What is Dennis doing?
Greg ran the Pauls Valley local freight. In this picture, the locos and caboose have just arrived on the house track, behind the depot.
These photos taken by Greg show what can happen when a train's driver doesn't notice that a wheelset has come adrift from its truck:
The guilty driver (that would be me) was ridiculed for his lack of attentiveness, in the time-honoured tradition:
And over at Pauls Valley, someone forgot to realign a siding switch ahead of the northbound Kansas Cityan:
It looks like safety standards are slipping on the GC&SF!
Thanks for coming over guys, and thanks also for running the layout so well.